Fallout 3: Weirdo Edition

I was at a garage sale and I found Fallout 3 and was like "Awww yeah." And I asked the guy who was hosting it and he said it was free. So, I took it home and shoved it in my PC, it installed for about a minute, then, came up with config saying "Extreme blood and gore" I ticked it. It installed for 12 minutes and I began to play it, I thought this was a minor glitch but when I was born it was hyper-realistic and blood was everywhere. I felt sick, so, I kept playing. I got to 19 and everything was alright. Then, I got jumpscared by Amata and she was a ghoul! I shot her and it said "You will pay for your actions. Wait for 10 'o clock tonight." I shivered at this message and shot everyone I saw. I got jumpscared again and turned my PC off and took it outside and smashed it. I took the game back but the guy was gone! I vowe never to touch Bethesda shit again. A week later my body was found, dead.


YOU'RE NEXT111!1111!!!ONE!